Two nights ago I hurried downtown to the County Commission
public meeting in my shorts and T-shirt/PJ's after being dismayed at what I saw
of the meeting on TV. A motion had sprung up, one little motion that would have
enormous, enormous consequences. I went, I said my piece (I was nervous
because I had never spoken at one of these meetings before), but to no avail.
After hearing from the public, Commissioners voted to take the quarter-cent
transit tax's well earned spot on the November ballot, OFF the ballot.
Gainesville just didn't know what was at stake at this meeting.
It seemed there were only the "regulars" there... the professional complainers.
I suppose that most of us are just busy. The meetings are on school nights. We trust that
Gainesville is a forward-thinking, intelligent town and we trust that the
decisions made by our County leaders will benefit the future of Gainesville, so
why go right? For the past 3 years, the Gainesville community has been
supporting the transformation to transit...which is what made Tuesday's vote to
kill the transit quarter-cent tax's spot on the ballot, so particularly
With one swing vote, Gainesville's path turned from an exciting future of clean, efficient transit (fuel-efficient busses that look like trains, new dedicated transit lanes, bike paths and clean air) just growing into a city of bigger roads, increasing traffic jams and burning more oil.
With one swing vote, Gainesville's path turned from an exciting future of clean, efficient transit (fuel-efficient busses that look like trains, new dedicated transit lanes, bike paths and clean air) just growing into a city of bigger roads, increasing traffic jams and burning more oil.
The transit future was a win-win was/is modeled
after the successes of Eugene, Oregon, (see link for info and video below). Eugene is a similar sized and populated college town that has
finished its transformation of the same endeavor. I ask you, What city would
you rather move to and visit, one with excellent transit and bike paths, or one with
lanes and lanes of tarmac and parking lots?
If the tax made it to the ballot and was voted for (which was
projected in a poll), then the federal government would have matched the funds
raised with the tax, and money would pour in to fund the transformation. There
are 3 large new private sector developments approved to build in Gainesville as
transit-oriented developments (TOD's). This isn't a pipe dream. This is a very exciting reality but it will be absurd if their transit can't link around town. The lack of meeting our end of the bargain for such innovative plans, also might push these developments away.
Gainesville citizens should speak out about having their
voting voice silenced. Please let your commissioners know how you feel about this. This
email address goes out to the entire commission:
Please feel free to share this on your Facebook page and also, please email me with any questions.
Please feel free to share this on your Facebook page and also, please email me with any questions.